Divide 14 bit integer using a fixed point divisor and result (7Q8 format)

; Input:
;  a1:a0 - 14 bit dividend   (a0 - lower byte)
;  b1:b0 - 15 bit divisor in 7Q8 format (b1 is integer, b0 is
;          fractional)
; Output:
;  c1:c0 - 15 bit quotient in 7Q8 format
; Size: 27 words
; Time: 2+3+3+15*(2+3+7+5)-1+2=264 instruction cycles
; March 13, 2001 by Nikolai Golovchenko
; March 14, 2001 optimized by Scott Dattalo

;left align the dividend
; (shift accumulator left 1 bit to get the first result bit weight
;  equal to 128)
        rlf     a0, f              
        rlf     a1, f              ;carry is cleared here
;initialize registers
        clrf c0                    ;clear result - it will be used
        clrf c1                    ;to shift zeroes to dividend
        bsf c0, 1                  ;15 iterations
        rlf a0, f                  ;and shift out next bit of dividend
        rlf a1, f                  ;to remainder

        movf b0, w                 ;load w with lower divisor byte
        skpnc                      ;if remainder positive - subtract,
         goto div_add              ;if negative - add
        subwf a0, f
        movf b1, w
         incfsz b1, w
          subwf a1, f
        goto div_next
        addwf a0, f
        movf b1, w
         incfsz b1, w
          addwf a1, f
;here carry has a new result bit
        rlf c0, f                  ;shift in next result bit
        rlf c1, f
         goto div_loop