CCS PIC Microcontroller C Language

Dale Botkin says:

...the delay_ms() function is nice to have, but don't try to use TMR0-driven interrupts [at the same time]!

David Knott says:

ANSI non-conformance. Around here, we call the CCS Compiler a "Rapid development system with C-like syntax".

I would really like to see this compile with CCS's PCM eventually, as it would with any ANSI conforming C compiler:

void main(void)
    int nIndex;


        int nVeryLocalVariable;

The bracing would help localize reusable variables without having to place them all at the same scope as main() or make them, God forbid, global.

Currently, it appears that the only way to get PCM to reuse local variable memory is to declare them at function scope. This causes you to either:
