PIC Micro Controller Interrupt support for multiple sources.

Michael Rigby-Jones [mrjones at NORTELNETWORKS.COM] says:

You could probably implement multiple external interupts with just some diode OR logic if the interrupt pulse wasn't too quick. Just set a port as inputs, and wire a diode from each port pin to B0. I the interrupt handler you would then read the port to decide which pin had caused the interrupt. You could also consider using the interrupt on change feature of PORT B on the mid range devices.

Soren Knudsen [PIC at KNUDSEN.CJB.NET] says:

[If you wire a second interrupt input to whatever pin you have set as the] source for the timer increement and at every finished INT write 0xFF to the timer you have an alternative to the PORTB, 0 pin INT.

Timer tutorial (incl prescalers) by Andrew Warren


See also: