PIC Microcontoller Input / Ouput Methods

for X10

Gordon Varney says:

I recommend using the X-10 part number PL-513, you can down load the manual from http://www.x10.com . A PIC will interface real easy with the PL-513. The manual will give you the diagrams and parts needed to interface. The manual will also describe the algorithm to send X-10 code over the power line. This module is very safe and easy to use.

http://www.cix.co.uk/~pplunkett/x10.htm (cached 20010530114658) 16C54 based X-10 Compatible Appliance Module

Heinz Czychun says:

http://www.national.com/an/AN/AN-146.pdf is an old appnote for sending FM through the AC line but it specifies line signal xformers. I used these with appropriate caps to tune to the x10 signal frequency.

The part numbers have changed since the appnote. The parts I ordered many years ago were TOKO RAN 10A6729 for the Tx xformer, and RAN 10A6845 for the Rx xformer, they may gave changed since then?

There's also an x10 module TW523 that provides logic level x10 RX, TX and zero crossing and a PIC based Weeder Technologies Home Automation Controller  (http://www.weedtech.com/wthac.html) that allows serial/ASCII control of the TW523.

See also: