
This is a PIC16F870 based speed controller for electrical powered
radio controlled vehicles. The circuit is connected to a
standard R/C reciever and is placed between the battery
and the motor.

It will read the length of the pulses from
the reciever and output a pulse with modulated signal to
a MOSFET transistor that will feed the motor with current
from the batteries.

The circuit also include a break that
will short circuit the motor and forces it stop.

The PIC is programmed with the five ICSP programming
connectors on the PCB. I use a JDM PIC programmer for
programming the PIC.

Send any comments to: johanstrombom@hotmail.com

How to use:

Connect the battery to BAT+ and BAT-
Connect the motor to MOT+ and MOT-
Connect the reciever to the three reciever connectors
on the PCB


1.asm PIC Source code
1.hex assembled PIC code
1.brd PCB Layout, EAGLE
1.pl Part list
1.jpg Picture of the PCB layout (jpg)


Oscillator 4Mhz Ceramic resonator, 3 leads
IC1 PIC16F870
IC2 7805 +5V Regulator
R1-R4, R6 10k resistors
R5 30k resistor
R7-R9 0 ohm
T1 MTB75N05HD MOSFET Transistor
T2 BUZ10 MOSFET Transistor
T3-T5 BC338 NPN Transistors

This board is available from Olimex
