Microchip Technologies In Circuit Debugger 2

The ICD2 has been replaced by the ICD3

There are two models of ICD2, with different USB interface chips. Part number 10-00319 is based on Cypress USB chips and will not be supported by Vista x64 or Windows 7 x64 as per Microchip. (see below for a workaround). The later Part number 10-00397 units, which are based on the PIC18F4550, will work under Win7 32 and under 64 with a driver update.

Pre-Install the USB driver before connecting the ICD2! The most common error encountered is the
ICD0019: Communications: Failed to open port: (Windows::GetLastError() = 0x2, 'The system cannot find the file specified.')

ICD0021: Unable to connect with MPLAB ICD 2
error, which is typically related to the installation of the USB communications driver. The driver /should/ be pre-installed using the update/pre-install program included with MPLAB automatically when MPLAB is installed. However, many people report having to run it seperatly. The documentation and step by step directions are in the ICD2/Drivers folder in ddicd2.htm as of MPLAB v8.80. 2011/12/16

Don't connect the power adapter when connecting the USB cable

ICD2 can destroy parts with VPP(max) less than 12V: When connecting to certain devices, the ICD2 will popup this warning:
ICDWarn0068: This device has a VPP(max) below the minimum ICD2 VPP level of 12V. Please ensure that external protection for MCLR is in place (Press the Help button for an example circuit or use AC164112 available from microchipDIRECT.com)"

A little searching finds:
http://www.microchip.com/forums/tm.aspx?m=409832 Yep… the ICD2 will kill any device in the:

So one must modify the board to limit VPP or put out another $10 to make it compatible:

See also:
