PIC Micro Controller Software Development Tools

PIC_TREE by J Borgaard [jb at borgaard.com] A tool for mapping out which subroutines use what variables and what sub calls which other subs. ...a VB program... It is by no means perfect, but has helped [...] to recover some variable memory, which is all that counts in the end. FYI, the output generated [...] for each subroutine, [includes] a unique list of variables modified and calls made.

See also:


jmonen@levelquipment.nl :

Is it possible to reach the register file bank's 1, 2 or 3 (16C57) when using the Parallax PASM v2.3 assembler? It seems impossible to adress any of these files beyond 1Fh.

James Newton replies: Sure! You just have to set the upper bits in the FSR. Even if you don't use INDirect addressing, any access to a register above 0F will be shifted to the bank addressed by those upper bits in FSR. Registers 00 to 08 are always in the first bank.

[EditHint: Reminder to self: move any programmers listed on this page to PIC Programmers and Bootloaders ]


is selling surplus 18 pin PIC prototyping boards for $3.
