PIC Microcontoller Delay Method

DelayUS() macro front-end for DelayTcy() by Mike McLaren, K8LH

Here's a simple DelayUS(microseconds) macro "front-end" for my DelayTcy routines. Remember to define or equate the "clock" variable as shown in the listing below.

Areas for improvement? How about parameter limit checking within the macro with gentle 'error' messages telling us where we went wrong?

;                                                                 *
;  DelayUS() Macro                  Mike McLaren, K8LH, June '07  *
;                                                                 *
;  the DelayUS() macro simply scales the "delay" parameter value  *
;  passed to your favorite DelayTcy routine and doesn't generate  *
;  any assembler instructions on its own.                         *
;                                                                 *
;  the 'usec' delay range for a 16-bit target DelayTcy() routine  *
;  is based on clock frequency;                                   *
;                                                                 *
;     4 MHz,  1   cycle /usec, 17..65551 usecs                    *
;     6 MHz,  1.5 cycles/usec, 12..43700 usecs                    *
;     8 MHz,  2   cycles/usec,  9..32775 usecs                    *
;    10 MHz,  2.5 cycles/usec,  7..26220 usecs                    *
;    12 MHz,  3   cycles/usec,  6..21850 usecs                    *
;    16 MHz,  4   cycles/usec,  5..16387 usecs                    *
;    20 MHz,  5   cycles/usec,  4..13110 usecs                    *
;    24 MHz,  6   cycles/usec,  3..10925 usecs                    *
;    28 MHz,  7   cycles/usec,  3.. 9364 usecs                    *
;    32 MHz,  8   cycles/usec,  3.. 8193 usecs                    *
;    36 MHz,  9   cycles/usec,  2.. 7283 usecs                    *
;    40 MHz, 10   cycles/usec,  2.. 6555 usecs                    *
;    48 MHz, 12   cycles/usec,  2.. 5462 usecs                    *
;                                                                 *
;  the DelayUS() macro requires the following two equates;        *
;                                                                 *
clock           equ   32        ; see list above
cycles_per_usec equ  (10000/(4000/clock))
;                                                                 *
;                                                                 *
;                                                                 *
;  DelayUS() macro                                                *
;                                                                 *
DelayUS macro   usecs           ; delay range: see list above
;                                                                 *
;                                                                 *
;  DelayTcy(), 16..65551 Tcy         Mike McLaren, K8LH, June'07  *
;                                                                 *
;  requires the use of constant operands known at assembly time!  *
;                                                                 *
;  12 words, 1 RAM variable, 14-bit core                          *
;                            ^^^^^^^^^^^                          *
;  macro produces 4 instructions;                                 *
;                                                                 *
DelayTcy macro  delay           ; parameter range 16..65535
        movlw   ~(high(delay-16))
        movwf   TMRH
        movlw   low(delay-16)
        call    DelayLo-(delay%4)
;                                                                 *
;                                                                 *
;  example code for simulation testing;                           *
;                                                                 *
SimTest DelayUS(2048)           ; delay 2048 usecs
        nop                     ; put simulator break point here
;                                                                 *
;                                                                 *
        nop                     ; entry point for delay%4 == 3
        nop                     ; entry point for delay%4 == 2
        nop                     ; entry point for delay%4 == 1
DelayLo addlw   -4              ; subtract 4 cycle loop time
        skpnc                   ; borrow?  yes, skip, else
        goto    DelayLo         ; do another loop
        nop                     ;
DelayHi addlw   -4              ; subtract 4 cycle loop time
        incfsz  TMRH,F          ; done?  yes, skip, else
        goto    DelayLo         ; do another loop
        goto    $+1             ;
        return                  ;
