by John Gerthoffer of American Auto-Matrix
BMP2ASM.EXE, converts BMP files to PIC assembly code. The assembly code is then used in your program to display graphics on your LCD. Color or grey images are converted to black and white
This program takes a BMP file and scans it into 8-bit high rows. Each row is converted into a text file format for inclusion into assembly language programs. The intended target is the PIC microprocessor. Written to support the Smart Stat project.
This program is Delphi 3 code and has been tested on W95 first release and
W98 2nd edition.
The EXE file and full Delphi 3 source code is available in
Delphi source code for Enrico Cavazza's modifications to produce both ASM and C output tables are available in BMP2ASM_C.rar
Ron Wintjens wrote a program that converts the PIC data table assembly code into a C array. ASMCONVERT.ZIP
I would like to know if there have been any requests for updates or additional features for my BMP2ASM program.
Also, can you tell me how many times has the code been downloaded?
John G.
James Newton replies: Requests would have been posted to this page and would be visable here. I'm afraid I don't record downloads past one month, but there have not been any downloads so far this month.
Some month ago i made a litte modification to a able to generate both assembly and 'C' tables. If you give to me a mail address i cand send you this "beta"
James Newton replies: Enrico's code is now available in BMP2ASM_C.rar
Hello, Let me thank you for this program because it saved me a lot of work!!!! One good feature could be to setup the display size and let scroll the image so you can choose the center of the image and also it's size
See also: