Source code related to the book "Graphics Gems" (editor, Andrew S. Glassner, published by Academic Press, Cambridge, MA, 1990, ISBN 0-12-286165-5, 833 pgs.). The source code is contained in 5 text files designed to be extracted by the command processor (shell) of the UNIX OS. part1, part2, part3, part4, part 5

C Code From Graphics Gems II, Academic Press, Inc.

This is a list of the files and directories containing the C code for Graphics Gems II.   They are listed in order of their appearance in the book. Beside each file name is the Gem number, author's name, and Gem title to help you find what you're looking for. Unfortunately, not all of the code listed in the appendix of the book is here (for various reasons). The missing ones will be added as they turn up. Changes will be listed at the bottom of this file. The is in GGemsII.tar.z

File or Directory GemNumber Author and Title of Gem
xlines.c I.2 Mukesh Prasad, "Intersection of Line Segments"
Peano/ Makefile main.c mapply.c peano.c types.h I.7 Ken Musgrave, "A Peano Curve Generation Algorithm"
Hilbert.c I.8 Douglas Voorhies, "Space-Filling Curves and a Measure of Coherence"
dither/ dither.3 dither.c II.3 Spencer W. Thomas and Rod G. Bogart, "Color Dithering"
RealPixels/ color.c color.h colrops.c header.c rasterfile.h ra_pr24.c resolu.c II.5 Greg Ward, "Real Pixels"
rotate8x8.c II.6 Sue-Ken Yap, "A fast 90-Degree Bitmap Rotator"
inv_cmap/ inv_cmap.3 inv_cmap.c III.1 Spencer W. Thomas, "Efficient Inverse Color Map Computation"
quantizer.c III.2 Xiaolin Wu, "Efficient Statistical Computations for Optimal Color Quantization"
ran_ramp.c III.3 Ken Musgrave, "A Random Color Map Animation Algorithm"
hot.c III.6 Dave Martindale and Alan Paeth, "Television Color Encoding and 'Hot' Broadcast Colors"
viewcorr/ matrix.h viewcorr.c viewcorr.h viewfind.c IV.5 Rod G. Bogart, "View Correlation" matrix.c
InterPhong.c IV.9 Nadia Magnenat Thalmann and Daniel Thanmann, "InterPhong Shading"
RayCPhdron.c V.1 Eric Haines, "Fast Ray-Convex Polyhedron Intersection"
intersect/ inttor.c intsph.c V.2 Joseph M. Cychosz, "Intersecting a Ray with an Elliptical Torus"
VoxelCache.c V.6 Andrew Pearce, "A Recursive Voxel Cache for Ray Tracing"
radiosity/ README draw.c rad.c rad.h room.c VI.1 Eric Chen, "Implementing Progressive Radiosity with User-Provided Polygon Display Routines"
FastUpdate.c VI.3 Filippo Tampieri, "Fast Vertex Radiosity Update"
inverse.c VII.5 Kevin Wu, "Fast Matrix Inversion"
rotate.c VII.7 James Arvo, "Random Rotation Matrices"
sparse.c VII.8 James Arvo, "Classifying Small Sparse Matrices"
BitCounting/ bit32.c test.c VIII.3 Alan W. Paeth and David Schilling, "Of Integers, Fields, and Bit Counting"
noise3.c VIII.10 Greg Ward, "A Recursive Implementation of the Perlin Noise Function"

Additional header files and utilities


GraphicsGems.h Andrew Glassner

GGVecLib.c Andrew Glassner

vector.h Steve Hollasch, "Useful C Macros for Vector Operations"

c_format.c Dale Schumacher, "A PostScript typesetting program for C source code"



10/02/91 Added ran_ramp.c, rotate8x8.c, inverse.c, VoxelCache.c, and Peano directory.

10/09/91 Added dither and inv_cmap directories.

11/05/91 Updated quantizer.c and sparse.c
