The prices for some specials have been changed, and everything is priced down for a while.
I plan to put an automatic ordering system up soon, complete with prebuilt code tidbits you can choose, like the old LED flash, standard motor control stuff, etcetera, complete with a form for automatic customization of the code. Yay.
The moment I get around to listing them on the site, we'll be selling PIC-based motherboard units for robots.
You provide a programmable PIC chip, a small fee, shipping money, and code, and I put the code on the chip for you, along with certain free optional things, like random data on some part of the chip, a sequential or random serial number, code protect, etc.
You E-mail me by clicking this link. Do not change the default subject line that is automatically inserted, because if you do your request will be thrown away. Provide your approximate location, what kind of PIC you want programmed, and how many of them you want. I am willing to make BIG discounts on large orders. I will get back to you on how the money and/or materials will be transferred.
Then you give me the following:
$1.15 for a PIC with 18 pins or less OR $2.40 for other PICs (this should go down to the normal price after I get some orders).
A PIC chip OR money to buy a PIC for you (contact me for details on that)
Shipping costs (depends on what kind of shipping you want and where you are)
Whatever you want put on the chip in .HEX, .ASM, .BIN, .OBJ, .PBS (MicroBasic from BubbleSoft), or EEPROM
data format.
See The List. Although this is not made clear on the list, UV-erasable PICs are OK for me to program, too, but I don't have a UV eraser so don't ask me to UV-erase anything.
Current specials are subject to change.
multiple order discount:
3 copies
of any 18-or-less-pin chip for $2.90.
multiple order discount with free sockets:
10 copies
of any 18 or less pins device for $10, and I'll throw in 2 free 18-pin IC
sockets for your PIC experiments.
2 copies
of any 18 or less pins device, at normal price, PLUS I'll throw in at least 6
assorted common transistors and capacitors.
If you
have never made an order before, you can get this discount, which is perfect
for beginners:
1 16F84,
16C84, 16F628, or 16C628 with a small program on it (send me your program and I'll
tell you if it qualifies) for $0.80.
I have
lots of spare parts lying around, so if you need connectors, sockets,
capacitors, fuseholders, etc. ask me.
And, of course, I will make other discounts. Just ask.
I am not a huge company with an automatic assembly-line replicating programmer. I have, to some small degree, a life of my own. For this reason, I cannot while the hours away programming eighteen novillion PICs so you can sell automatic coffee machine timers to all your friends. There will be a special surcharge for extra effort on orders of 20 or more PICs, and a somewhat larger turnaround time, and on separate orders amounting to over 25 PICs in the same 30-day period, a small surcharge will appear on the order with the 25th PIC. Sorry, but this isn't supposed to be taking up all my time, it's just a little venture.
If you need a truly massive amount of PICs programmed for you, I suggest you seek the services of, makers of the PIC chip. They will program large quantities of permanent, one-time-programmable (non-erasable) chips for you.
Sorry about the pop-up ads. I cannot remove them or change them. I may soon be able to afford a better hosting service, if this little thing stirs up enough business. I am too young to really "work" in the legal sense, and I'm rather short on money that I need to continue educating myself in electronics. Therefore, a better host is on the back burner for sure.
different people have visited since Jan. 14, 2003.
Please do this quick poll, this is one of my first business ventures and I need feedback.