PUUF "No Gas" Lunch

News: the "No Gas" Dinner

Your standard potluck on August 27th after the service at the fellowship. Organized by Al Lewis, supplied by James Newton.

The challenge: No additional gas or other fossil fuel can be used to transport the food other than that used to bring the congregation to the fellowship... In other words: Only backyard produce. Well... since we are having a tough time of it, local farmers markets are ok too... Maybe you can ride your bike? <grin> The important thing is that the food not be trucked in from hundreds or thousands of miles away to a grocery store in the opposite direction from the fellowship.



Hopefull Farmers:


Farmers and Cooks listed on a board at the head of the serving table along with what they provided.

Cooks and Preparation:




Kathleen (and baby) and Al in front of the quiche. Figs to the left, quacamole and vege salad to the right.



Soup, Fruit, and Juice.


A good time was had, good food was eaten with good friends, and very little oil was consumed. During the service Al Lewis said a few words on the subject: