;C. Blondin (Fenugrec), 16/12/2006
;sends the byte in W through RB6,
;but it should work with any pin & any port
;(you can change the relevant bitmasks)
;uses a shadow reg, assumes no interrupts during execution.
;also needs two GPRs : count and TXbyte.
;STATUS is modified.
;1 bit @ 115200bps gives 8.68 us / bit;
;1 TCy @ 3.6864 MHz gives 1.085 us;
;total of 8 instructions / bit for the sending
movwf TXbyte
bcf STATUS,C ;prepare startbit
movlw 09 ;startbit + 8 bits
movwf count
movf sPORTB,W
andlw b'10111111' ;RB6 = 0 ;1
btfsc STATUS,C ;1
iorlw b'01000000' ;else 1 ;1
movwf PORTB ;1 X
rrf TXbyte,F ;LSb first ;1
decfsz count,F ;1
goto _TX_shiftloop ;2
iorlw b'01000000' ;1
movwf sPORTB ;1
goto $+1 ;lastbit = 8TCy ;2
movwf PORTB ;set RB6 high ;1 _/