I am an electronics technician in the factory automation field. I am still new to PICs having started only a few months back, but this exciting field really has me...
- Tan Jaik Kai of Ejia asks: " could u show me the schematic of your circuit? pls......"
- Tan Jaik Kai of Ejia asks: "
could u show me the schematic of your circuit? pls....i rally wanted...10x alot..
u can email for me 10x"
- asks: "
please can you send me the schematic 3x4Key-4bLCD-Lock
email ;"
- Valerie Ng asks:
Hi bj, I'm trying out your code (PIC Microcontroller 3x4 keypad) with LCD and SIPO chip as well. I could not seem to get the LCD display to be stable and it shows WRONG CODE (blinking) all the time. I was wondering whether you could show me the schematic of your circuit? I'm using 74LS164 as the SIPO chip, Hitachi 44780 (2x16) LCD and 16f84a PIC. Could you advice me what could be wrong? Very much appreciated. Thank you.
Hi everyone,
Please pull the four input pins down to 0v using 1k resistors otherwise the floating inputs on the input are seen as high by the pic and you WILL get the WRONG CODE message. Sorry, i dont have suitable software for the circuit drawing, but follow the pinout detail listed in the software.