ON 20090424@10:20:35 AM at page: On a web page you were interested in at: http://www.piclist.com/techref/member/LPL-AEA-Z85/index.htm#39927.4309606481 Lewis Paul Lineberger[LPL-AEA-Z85] Code:
;	x - x:6 (x)	(0 - least significant!)
;	y	 - Test:3 (y)	(0 - least significant!)
;	Counter	 - Count 
;	Shift	 - Shift:6 (mathint)
;	Quotient - x:6 (x)	(0 - least significant!)
;	Remainder- Rem:3	(0 - least significant!)
;Adaptation to PIC 12/16 Assembly and error fix of code by Frank Finster 3/15/2005
;by Lewis Lineberger 4/24/2009
;Fixes overrun in Rem+2 when upper bit of y+2 and Rem+2 are set, but Rem+2 is still
;less than y+2.  Overrun is illustrated by 0x34631A9FC / 0xDD39E9.
;Adaptation of 24x24 division by Tony Nixon with corrections
;PIC18 assembly instructions in comments for easy adaptation.
;by Frank Finster 3/15/2005.
;Code adapted by Andy Lee
;01-Sep-2006    Original version

; SUBROUTINE - 48 by 24 BIT division
	movlw d'48'
	movwf Count
;	movff x+0, Shift+0
	movf x+0, W
	movwf mathint+0

;	movff x+1, Shift+1
	movf x+1, W
	movwf mathint+1

;	movff x+2, Shift+2
	movf x+2, W
	movwf mathint+2

;	movff x+3, Shift+3
	movf x+3, W
	movwf mathint+3

;	movff x+4, Shift+4
	movf x+4, W
	movwf mathint+4

;	movff x+5, Shift+5
	movf x+5, W
	movwf mathint+5

	clrf x+0
	clrf x+1
	clrf x+2
	clrf x+3
	clrf x+4
	clrf x+5

	clrf Rem+2
	clrf Rem+1
	clrf Rem+0
	bcf STATUS, C
	rlf mathint+0, F
	rlf mathint+1, F
	rlf mathint+2, F
	rlf mathint+3, F
	rlf mathint+4, F
	rlf mathint+5, F
	rlf Rem+0, F
	rlf Rem+1, F
	rlf Rem+2, F
	btfsc STATUS, C ; overrun
	goto subtract
	movf y+2, w
	subwf Rem+2, w
	btfss STATUS, Z
	goto nochk
	;bra nochk

	movf y+1,w
	subwf Rem+1,w
	btfss STATUS, Z
	goto nochk
	;bra nochk

	movf y+0,w
	subwf Rem+0,w
	btfss STATUS, C ; Rem >= y
	goto nogo
	;bra nogo

subtract	movf y+0,w
	subwf Rem+0, F
	btfsc STATUS, C
	goto nodec_remainM
	;bra	nodec_remainM
	decf Rem+1, f
	movf Rem+1, w
	xorlw 0xff
	btfsc STATUS, Z
		decf Rem+2, f
	movf y+1, w
	subwf Rem+1, f
	btfss STATUS, C
	decf Rem+2, f
	movf y+2, w
	subwf Rem+2, f
	bsf STATUS, C
	rlf x+0, F
	rlf x+1, F
	rlf x+2, F
	rlf x+3, F
	rlf x+4, F
	rlf x+5, F
	decfsz Count, f
	goto dloop