A simple RTOS for microcontrollers based upon concepts of FreeRTOS

This file is part of SimpleRTOS2

by Isaac Marino Bavaresco

This is file "SimpleRTOS\SerialSAM3.h"


Note: This file was severely modified from the original FreeRTOS version.

#if         !defined __SERIALSAM3_H__
#define __SERIALSAM3_H__
#include "SimpleRTOS.h"

typedef enum
    COM_UART    = 1,    SERIAL1 = COM_UART,
    COM_USART0,         SERIAL2 = COM_USART0,
    COM_USART1,         SERIAL3 = COM_USART1,
    COM_USART2,         SERIAL4 = COM_USART2,
    } comport_t;


int SerialPortInitMinimal   ( unsigned int port, unsigned long BaudRate );
int SerialReceive           ( unsigned int port, tickcount_t TimeToWait );
int SerialTransmit          ( unsigned int port, signed char c, tickcount_t TimeToWait );

#endif  /*  !defined __SERIALSAM3_H__ */