On page you ask how to calculate the great-circle distance with a PIC18F452. (Microchip says the PIC18F452 is "Not Recommended for new design ... Please consider using device PIC18F4520"). The article recommends using this formula for small distances: A = LAT1, B = LONG1 C = LAT2, D = LONG2 // (all in radians; multiply angles in degrees by pi/180 to get angles in radians) // find angular distance S in radians T = ( sin( (C-A)/2 ) )^2 + cos(A)*cos(C)*( sin( (D-B)/2 ) )^2; S = 2*arcsin( sqrt( T ) ); // convert angular distance to distance in meters // (By definition, Earth has a circumference of 40 Megameters) distance = S * (40_000_000 / (2*pi)); So ... What exactly seems to be the problem? If you are writing the program from scratch in assembly language, or C or BASIC compiler doesn't already include a floating-point or fixed-point trig library, you'll need an implementation of "sqrt()", "sin()", "cos()", and "arcsin()" of "enough" accuracy. Oh, and also "*" and "+". (This program, like all PIC programs I've written so far, doesn't need a "/" routine -- "/" is in the source code, but it is pre-computed by my desktop machine at compile time). I suspect all the routines you might need are in the app notes mentioned at . Possibly faster and/or smaller code, written after (?) those app notes were published, are listed at square root in assembly language: /techref/microchip/math/sqrt/ trig functions in assembly language: /techref/microchip/math/index.htm Do you need more accuracy than those implementations give? Is there something we need to fix about the way those functions "fit together" ? What is the size of the resulting program, compared to the 32 KBytes of program space in the PIC18F4520 ?