If you experience any difficulty with the download, please either try again later or try the FTP Site directly. All files available on the web site are also available on the Logitech FTP Site. The FTP Site is arranged by product type. In each product directory is a file called 00_INDEX.TXT that contains the descriptions of what is available in that directory. In addition, most directories contain a sub-directory called "HELP" that contains the appropriate Customer Support Documents (i.e FAQ's, Standard Diagnostics, etc).
Click here to visit the Logitech FTP Site.
General Download Instructions
1. Click on the filename to begin the download.
2. Save it in an empty, temporary folder on your harddrive.
3. Extract the contents from the executable by double-clicking the file.
4. Refer to the text (TXT) file for further instructions.
Click on the filename(s) below to begin the download:
Complete TWAIN DataSource for all Logitech Handheld Scanners (except the ScanMan Color 2000)
This archive resolves the error message "Insufficient Resources".
File size: 509,273 bytes
Copy the files to the following directories:
VHHSCAND.386 --------> C:\WINDOWS
All other files ------------> C:\WINDOWS\TWAIN\SCANMAN
The SYSTEM.INI file must be modified to include the following line in the [386Enh] section:
If you get an error or a sharing violation, you will need to exit Windows and copy these files using DOS commands. Once the files
are copied to the proper directories, you must restart Windows in order for the new files to take effect.
Please download TWUNK.EXE if you do not have the latest TWAIN.DLL files. This will help ensure all files are the latest versions.
You may download the complete ScanWare v2.2 installation for free from our on-line services. The files required are:
Installation Instructions
If you experience any difficulty downloading these files or are not able to complete the installation, you may order the complete package
from Logitech Sales department at 1-800-231-7717. This complete package includes the diskettes, manuals, and calibration card. There will be a charge for this package plus shipping and handling.
© 1996 Logitech Inc. Logitech, the Logitech logo, ScanMan, and ScanMan Color are trademarks of Logitech. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
migabr@yahoo.com asks:
i would gently appreciate if u can send the ScanWare v2.2 to my mail address because i canĀ“t download it from the page. I bought in 1991 a scanman plus handheld scanner and i lost the driver to use it. Thanks a lot