Digital Logic Tutorial

The logic power of computers and even micro-controllers today is mind boggling, but even more amazing to me is that all of the functions (every one) of the biggest computer can be shown in terms of one simple logic gate: The NAND. Every part even Memory: From the BIT to the Giga Byte, Math: From the most basic Addition to the most complex Floating Point calculation, Decision making: If not real reasoning, Input and Output are all built from this one tiny and very simple atomic unit of logic!

In these pages my son Remy and I will start to show you how computers actually work and how simple (and complex) they really are.



How a very simple little "gate" or elemental bit of logic is the basis of all computing. It's just Not this AND that.


This series makes use of a program written by Andreas Tetzl of that makes the NAND gate, and the things we build from it, come alive on your screen. It is called LogicSim and it is a digital logic simulator that can work from a web page. If we did not have LogicSim, we could only tell you how it all works and could not show you. To use LogicSim, you must have Javatm from Sun Micro systems. You can check if you have Java on their web page at Look for the "Do I have Java?" link. Once you have Java, you may need to enable it in your browser. For Google Chrome, see the CheerpJ Applet Runner

See also: