ON 20051118 at page: http://www.massmind.org/techref/language/perl/opendir.htm someone[--] edited the page. Difference: "R:\bak\H\techref\language\perl\opendir.htm.20051118.dif" ON 20051128 at page: http://www.massmind.org/techref/language/perl/split.htm someone[--] edited the page. Difference: "R:\bak\H\techref\language\perl\split.htm.20051128.dif" ON 20051129 at page: http://www.massmind.org/techref/language/perl/new200511.txt someone[--] edited the page. Difference: "R:\bak\H\techref\language\perl\new200511.txt.20051129.dif" ON 20051130@11:23:42 AM at page: http://www.sxlist.com/language/perl/split.htm#38684.3456134259 James Newton[JMN-EFP-786] Published and replied to post 38684.3456134259 by giles.chapman |Insert 'I don't see how you can seperate those even as a human. Do the "FIX" tags always have one digit past the decimal? Are the "#=" seperators always one digit followed by the equal sign?' at: '' giles.chapman@db.com asks:

I need to separate tags that are all grouped together with no spacing in between eg,

2005-11-28 15:51:22: DEBUG: importFixPumpdata: 2005/11/18 00:06:46:187: FIXPump: Received data on connection {CLIENT} [8=FIX.4.29=024335=D50=DCN3230197=N57=RISKGATEWAY34=93849=CLIENTFUT_EXLINK56=EXLINK_CLIENT43=N52=20051118-05:06:46200=200512207=Japan40=255=TSE 01 0F2005Z11=fud630_20051118167=FUT54=159=044=138.0821=238=1560=20051118-05:06:461=ATOP1110=032]

In the [] there are a number of FIX tags, eg '8=FIX.4.2' and there are no spaces in between, so the next FIX tag immediately foloows the previous one, 8=FIX.4.29=02433 and so on. Any ideas on how I can separate them? I have tried a number of REGEX and using split.

PS They are all on the one line as well.

Many thanks

|Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: '