Multi-Copy Forms

The one major argument for impact type printers over laser printers is the multi-part or multi-copy form. While in some cases the use of these older printers is warranted, most applications where four or fewer copies are required may be implemented more effectively on a laser printer. Multiple part forms are simulated on a laser printer by printing several copies of the data with the same or different forms on single sheets of paper. There are two different ways of setting it up.

When each form part is the same

Send the PCL command to set the number of copies to the number of form parts. This command is esc&l#X.

Send the form call and the data as with any other forms application.

When each part is a different form

Record the printed data. Send the PCL command to select any unused form number. For example, if no other form uses the number 5, the command would be esc&f5Y. Send the PCL command esc&f0X to begin recording data. After this command is sent to the printer, all further commands will be recorded but will have no effect until they are played back.

Send the print data from the application program. Nothing will print at this point. The command will be recorded under the selected macro number.

Stop recording. (Send the PCL command esc&f1X.)

Play back the recorded data. (Send esc&f5Y esc&f2X.)

Overlay a form. (Send esc&f#Yesc&f4X.)

Eject the page. (Send the Form Feed command.)

Repeat the previous three steps for each copy of the form, substituting each different form number as needed.

Delete the recorded data. (Send the command esc&f5Yesc&f8X.)

