eForms base data ID numbers

This list of data ID numbers shows what we will be seeing on our screens as we work on the forms. Since this list can't possibly cover every needed item, it is used as a basis only, and any numbering can actually be used in its place. Using the numbering from this list simply makes it easier to assign the codes on our screens and reduces the chances of error or misunderstanding.

1037	(ID#), 37
1001	(Name), 1
1056	(Name2), 56
1031	(Company), 31
1002	(Addr1), 2
1003	(Addr2), 3
1004	(City,St,ZIP), 4
1005	(Phone), 5
1032	(Fax), 32
1033	(Email), 33

1201	(NameWCo), 201
1202	(Addr1W2), 202
1045	(City), 45
1046	(State), 46
1047	(Zip), 47
1015	(Sig), 15
1013	(Logo), 13
1025	(Misc), 25
1026	(Misc), 26
1200	(MICR), 200, $04;
1048	(B ID#), 48
1006	(B Name), 6
1007	(B Addr1), 7
1008	(B Addr2), 8
1009	(B City,St,ZIP), 9
1010	(B Phone), 10
1016	(BSig), 16
1014	(B Logo), 14
1035	(Date), 35
1034	(Time), 34

1011	(Start Date), 11
1054	(StartDay), 54
1012	(End Date), 12
1055	(EndDay), 55
1027	(Nights), 27
1040	(Conf), 40
1044	(Status), 44
1036	(PgNo), 36

1021	(Doc#), 21
1024	(Guests), 24
1059	(Kids), 59
1030	(Suite), 30
1053	(Count), 53
1038	(Group), 38
1041	(Pkg), 41
1042	(PkgCode), 42
1028	(RateCode), 28

1029	(Rate), 29
1023	(PayInfo), 23
1067	(PayExp), 67
1057	(BegBal), 57
1058	(BegTxt), 58
1022	(Total), 22
1039	(TotalWTax), 39
1043	(Balance), 43

1049	(Assoc#), 49
1050	(Region), 50
1051	(Segment), 51
1052	(SalesID), 52
1017	(Memo1), 17
1018	(Memo2), 18
1019	(Memo3), 19
1020	(Memo4), 20

1060	(Msg1), 60
1061	(Msg2), 61
1062	(Msg3), 62
1063	(Msg4), 63
1064	(Msg5), 64
1065	(Msg6), 65
1066	(Msg7), 66
1100	(LineData), 100

1101	(Col1), 101
1102	(Col2), 102
1103	(Col3), 103
1104	(Col4), 104
1105	(Col5), 105
1106	(Col6), 106
1107	(Col7), 107
1108	(Col8), 108
1109	(Col9), 109, 0