ON 20070820@10:15:00 AM at page: http://techref.massmind.org/techref/language/regxs.htm#39314.4270833333 James Newton[JMN-EFP-786] See also: http://blogs.msdn.com/oldnewthing/archive/2006/05/22/603788.aspx Regexps are NOT a be all and end all. Thanks to "Al" for this link to a good example where a combination of regexp and scripting is used to validate IPv4 dotted IP addresses. ON 20070820@10:19:01 AM at page: http://techref.massmind.org/techref/language/regxs.htm#39314.4298726852 James Newton[JMN-EFP-786] Says IPv4 dotted IP address: Anything from "/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/" (which allows "448.90210.0.65535") to "/^([1-9]?\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([1-9]?\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([1-9]?\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([1-9]?\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])$/" which is impossible for normal humans to understand. ON 20070822@1:38:49 PM at page: http://www.sxlist.com/language/pcls.htm#39316.2465046296 James Newton[JMN-EFP-786] Published and replied to post 39316.2465046296 by Haasm |Insert 'Post the complete PCL as there is probably an unintended interaction.' at: '' Haasm@wishmail.net asks:
For a report made by a system that can only output text files, I want to create squares around some text areas using PCL. However when I try to change the horizontal cursor position, nothing happens. A square would only show top, bottom and left lines. I tried this using|Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: 'Haasm@wishmail.net&a#H, *p#X and &a#C. I use PCLreader software or direct to a HP2550Lj printer. Any suggestions on what could cause this?
Hi James, sorry, I did not do that right away...|Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: 'SERETEC@bigpond.com.au asks: " do you know of some way, interface device or other, to extract information such as paper size and colour or black from the data stream?" |Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: '