
Matt Bennett says

Insert this tag after the tag: Content is the number of seconds until it loads the page. 600 will reload every 10 minutes.
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="600" URL="http://www.??????.com/??????">

If you want it to reload the current page, place its URL after the "URL=" in the tag above. You can also have it point to another page.

This page actually has <META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="10" URL="">

It is the same as sending the old Netscape HTTP response header: Refresh: seconds; url=...

This can also be done with Javascript like:

function reload() {
var timeleft = time.left;
 timeleft.value = timeleft.value - 1;
 if (timeleft.value < 1) window.location="index.htm" ;
//this would point to this page if you wanted to reload. 
//Here I'm using it to keep people from just sitting on this page.


<FORM NAME="time">
<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="left" VALUE=60> seconds left

And here it is running:

seconds left


See also:

No ads on this page because it automatically reloads: pub-3554665142518411