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Additional Tags Supported

The new HTML 3.2 draft specification contains many of the HTML extensions introduced by Netscape and Microsoft. In fact, the differences between HTML 3.2 and Netscape's HTML are minor. AOLpress supports HTML 3.2. (You can choose to conform to Netscape or HTML 3.2 in the Tools Preferences General dialog.

Netscape's frames and JavaScript language are not part of the HTML 3.2 specification and AOLpress does not support them. However, AOLpress will not erase any <FRAME>, <FRAMESET>, or <NOFRAMES> tags in the HTML files you edit. It also does not erase any JavaScript code contained within your pages.

See "Conform To"  under General Preferences for details about how tags differ in HTML 3.2 and Netscape.

In addition to the HTML tags you can add through WYSIWYG editing in AOLpress, the effects of the additional tags and attributes listed in the following table can be seen in AOLpress. Other browsers may not yet support these additional tags.

You can add these tags and attributes to your pages by editing the HTML directly. However, you should have some experience working with HTML before you do this. See the following URLs for details on these HTML tags and their attributes:

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