Contributor: J.J.A. KOOT Hi, Here is a simple but good working randdom number generator for 32 bit machines with a period of 2^31-2. It generates uniformally distributed integer numbers in the range from 0 to 2^31-3, limits included. The version of type real generates uniformally distributed reals in the range from 0 to 1, limits included. VAR seed:longint; PROCEDURE ranset(s:longint); BEGIN seed:=s END; FUNCTION random:longint; CONST a= 16807; {This is just a lucky prime number} m= 2147483647; {This is 2^31-1, must be the same as in realrandom} q= 127773; {This is m div a} r= 2836; {This is m mod a} BEGIN seed:= a*(seed mod q) - r*(seed div q); IF seed <=0 THEN seed:=seed+m; random:=seed-1 END; FUNCTION realrandom:real; CONST m=2147483647; {Must be the same as in random} BEGIN realrandom:=random/(m-2) END;