Contributor: SWAG SUPPORT TEAM { SAM HASINOFF LoopNum forget who first asked this question, but here is some code to help you find your prime numbers in its entirety (tested): } Uses Crt; Label get_out; Var LoopNum, Count, MinPrime, MaxPrime, PrimeCount : Integer; Prime : Boolean; max : String[20]; ECode : Integer; begin minprime := 0; maxprime := 0; ClrScr; Write('Lower limit For prime number search [1]: '); readln(max); val(max, minprime, ECode); if (minprime < 1) then minprime := 1; Repeat GotoXY(1, 2); ClrEol; Write('Upper limit: '); readln(max); val(max, maxprime, ECode); Until (maxprime > minprime); WriteLn; PrimeCount := 0; For LoopNum := minprime to maxprime do begin prime := True; Count := 2; While (Count <= (LoopNum div 2)) and (Prime) do begin if (LoopNum mod Count = 0) then prime := False; Inc(Count); end; if (Prime) then begin Write('['); TextColor(white); Write(LoopNum); TextColor(lightgray); Write('] '); Inc(PrimeCount); if WhereX > 75 then Write(#13#10); end; if WhereY = 24 then begin Write('-- More --'); ReadKey; ClrScr; end; prime := False; end; Write(#13#10#10); Writeln(PrimeCount, ' primes found.', #13#10); end.