Contributor: LEON DEBOER { (Leon DeBoer) { : At first I had a problem with tp7's inline assemble: I had an : array[0..4] of word in my unit, and I wanted to access it's elements : from inline assemble. I got it working like this Try } Asm MOV AX, SEG MyArray; { Segment of array } MOV DS, AX; MOV SI, OFFSET MyArray; MOV AX, DS:[SI]+0; {Element 0 in array } MOV AX, DS:[SI]+2; { Element 1 in array etc } End; { Note from SWAG Team: From now on, all ASM/TASM/BASM Specific info (that don't fit in any other category), will be placed in FAQ.SWG instead of MISC.FAQ - Kerry }