Contributor: SWAG SUPPORT TEAM { JL>Help me guys. I'm learning about reading from a File. I am creating a JL>Program that will let you set passWord and test a passWord. JL>Also how do you make the screen print a Character like .... instead of a JL>Word. So when you enter in a passWord like in BBS it won't show it? ------------------------------------X---------------------------------------- } Program TestPW; { Programmer : Chet Kress (FidoNet 1:283/120.4) Been Tested? : YES, this has been tested. It works! original Date : 01/01/93 Current Version : v1.0 Language : Turbo Pascal v7.0 Purpose : Make a passWord routine } Uses Crt; Procedure TestPassWord; Const DataFile = 'PW.DAT'; {The name of the data File containing the passWord} {Just have one line in the PW.DAT File, and use that as the passWord} Var PassWordFile : Text; {The name assigned to the data File} PassCH : Char; {A Character that the user has entered} TempPassWord : String; {The temporary passWord from the user} ThePW : String; {The Real passWord from the data File} begin {TestPassWord} Assign (PassWordFile, DataFile); Reset (PassWordFile); ClrScr; TempPassWord := ''; Write ('Enter passWord: '); { I replaced the Readln With this Repeat..Until loop so you can see the "periods" instead of the Characters (like you wanted). This is a simple routine, but it should suffice For what you want it to do. It has some error checking and backspacing is available too. } Repeat PassCH := ReadKey; if (PassCH = #8) and (Length(TempPassWord) > 0) then begin Delete (TempPassWord, Length(TempPassWord), 1); GotoXY (WhereX-1, WhereY); Write (' '); GotoXY (WhereX-1, WhereY); end; if (PassCH >= #32) and (PassCH <= #255) then begin TempPassWord := TempPassWord + PassCH; Write ('.'); end; Until (PassCH = #13); Writeln; Readln (PassWordFile, ThePW); { <-- You Forgot to add this line } if TempPassWord = ThePW then begin Writeln ('You have received access.'); Writeln ('Loading Program.'); { Do whatever else you want to here } end else begin Writeln ('Wrong PassWord.'); end; Close (PassWordFile); end; {TestPassWord} begin {Main} TestPassWord; end. {Main}