Contributor: ARNE DE.BRUIJN { Small program to demostrate redirection of TP's Output variable Arne de Bruijn, 1994, PD } Unit SmallCrt; interface procedure AssignCrt(var F:text); implementation uses Dos; {For TextRec, fmClosed, fmOutput} function InOutCrtOut(var F:text):byte; far; assembler; asm cld { Count forwards } mov dx,ds { Save DS } lds si,F { Get address of F } mov cx,[si].TextRec.BufPos { Get number of bytes to write } lds si,[si].TextRec.BufPtr { Get address of buffer } @OutChars: lodsb { Load character to output in AL, and } { set SI to next character } int 29h { Output AL with DOS undocumented fast write } loop @OutChars { Do all characters (dec(cx); until cx=0) } mov ds,dx { Restore DS } end; function CloseCrtOut(var F:text):byte; far; begin TextRec(F).Mode:=fmClosed; CloseCrtOut:=0; end; function OpenCrtOut(var F:text):byte; far; begin with TextRec(F) do begin Mode:=fmOutput; BufPos:=0; BufEnd:=0; InOutFunc:=@InOutCrtOut; FlushFunc:=@InOutCrtOut; CloseFunc:=@CloseCrtOut; end; OpenCrtOut:=0; end; procedure AssignCrt(var F:text); begin with TextRec(F) do begin Mode:=fmClosed; BufSize:=SizeOf(Buffer); BufPtr:=@Buffer; Name[0]:=#0; OpenFunc:=@OpenCrtOut; end; end; begin AssignCrt(Output); Rewrite(Output); end.