Contributor: SWAG SUPPORT TEAM { PW>question, I want to declare Type Time as (Hour,Min). Where hour and PW>minute are predeifed Types 0..23 and 0..59 respectively. I then take PW>the Type Time and use it as a field in a Record. How would I promt a PW>user to enter the time? Ie. Enter (date,min): ??? Is there a way to do PW>this without reading a String and then Formatting it and changing it to PW>Integers? } It can be done, but it's probably not worth the efFort to process it that way. I do this a lot, and I allow entering the Time as hh:mm or hhmm, where it's simply a String. then, I parse out the ":", if it exists, and do a couple of divide and mod operations to then convert it to seconds - and store it that way. I also have a routine which will Format seconds into time. I do this enough (I'm in the race timing business), that I've found it easy to do this throughout my system - and keep all data in seconds. I have a parsing/conversion routine and a conversion/display routine in my global Unit. Something like this: Var S : String; I,T,N : Word; Write ('Enter Time as hh:mm '); readln (S); if Pos(':',S) > 0 then Delete (S,Pos(':',S),1); Val (S,I,N); T := ((I div 100) * 3600) + ((I mod 100) * 60); There should be some error-checking in this, but I'm sure you can figure it out...