Contributor: SWAG SUPPORT TEAM Program Gregorian; { Julian day to Gregorian date } Uses Crt; { Turbo/Quick Pascal } Type String3 = String[3]; String9 = String[9]; Const MonthName : Array [1..12] of String3 = ('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun', 'Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'); DayName : Array [1..7] of String9 = ('Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday', 'Thursday','Friday','Saturday'); Var Day, JulianDay, F : Real; Month : Byte; Year : Integer; A, B, C, D, E, G, Z : LongInt; LeapYear : Boolean; Function DayofWeek( Month : Byte; Day : Real; Year : Integer ): Byte; Var iVar1, iVar2 : Integer; begin iVar1 := Year MOD 100; iVar2 := TRUNC( Day ) + iVar1 + iVar1 div 4; Case Month of 4, 7 : iVar1 := 0; 1, 10 : iVar1 := 1; 5 : iVar1 := 2; 8 : iVar1 := 3; 2,3,11 : iVar1 := 4; 6 : iVar1 := 5; 9,12 : iVar1 := 6; end; {Case} iVar2 := ( iVar1 + iVar2 ) MOD 7; if ( iVar2 = 0 ) then iVar2 := 7; DayofWeek := Byte( iVar2 ); end; {DayofWeek} Function DayofTheYear( Month : Byte; DAY : Real ): Integer; Var N : Integer; begin if LeapYear then N := 1 else N := 2; N := 275 * Month div 9 - N * (( Month + 9 ) div 12) + TRUNC( Day ) - 30; DayofTheYear := N; end; {DayofTheYear} begin {Gregorian} ClrScr; WriteLn('Gregorian dates v0.0 Dec.91 Greg Vigneault'); WriteLn('[Enter Julian day values]'); Repeat WriteLn; Write('Enter (positive) Julian day number: '); ReadLn( JulianDay ); Until ( JulianDay >= 706.0 ); JulianDay := JulianDay + 0.5; Z := TRUNC( JulianDay ); F := FRAC( JulianDay ); if ( Z < 2299161 ) then A := Z else begin G := TRUNC( ( Z - 1867216.25 ) / 36524.25); A := Z + 1 + G - G div 4; end; {if} B := A + 1524; C := TRUNC( ( B - 122.1 ) / 365.25 ); D := TRUNC( 365.25 * C ); E := TRUNC( ( B - D ) / 30.6001 ); Day := B - D - TRUNC( 30.6001 * E ) + F; if ( E < 13.5 ) then Month := Byte( E - 1 ) else if ( E > 13.5 ) then Month := Byte( E - 13 ); if ( Month > 2.5 ) then Year := Integer( C - 4716 ) else if ( Month < 2.5 ) then Year := Integer( C - 4715 ); if ((Year MOD 100)<>0) and ((Year MOD 4)=0) then LeapYear := True else LeapYear := False; Write(#10,'Gregorian '); if LeapYear then Write('LeapYear '); WriteLn('date is ',DayName[DayofWeek(Month,Day,Year)], ', ',MonthName[ Month ],' ',Day:2:2,',',Year:4, ' (day of year= ',DayofTheYear(Month,Day),')',#10); end. {Gregorian}