YYMMDD       STRUC           ;Date in YYMMDD format
Year         DB 80           ;Year as a single byte
Month        DB 01           ;Month as a single byte
Day          DB 01           ;Day as a single byte

DBField      STRUC           ;Field Descriptor (part of DBF File Header)
Name         DS 11           ;Field name in ASCIIZ.
Type         DS 1            ;Field type. (Char, Number, Logical, Date or Memo)
Address      DS 4            ;Field data address. (Points into record buffer)
Length       DS 1            ;Field length.
Decimal      DS 1            ;Field decimal count (Numbers only)
Reserved     DS 14           ;Reserved bytes.
DBField      ENDS

DBHeader     STRUC           ;DBF File Header
Version      DB 03h          ;dBase III file WITHOUT memo fields (83h with)
LastUpDate   YYMMDD        ;Date when the last change was made to the file.
NoRecs       DS 4            ;Number of records currently in the datafile.
HeadLen      DS 2            ;Length of the Header including Field Descriptors.
RecLen       DS 2            ;Length of each record.
Reserved     DS 20           ;Reserved bytes (version 1.00)
FieldArray   DBField NoFields DUP  ;Array of Field Descriptors
EOHeader     DB 0Dh          ;Indicates the end of the header
DBHeader     ENDS