Here is the HTTP generated list of all Example programs.
Name Description
10to1.c Count down from 10 to 1 in steps of 1 Master.c address.c Demonstrate the '&' and '*' operators. and.c & operator (Bitwise AND). atof.c atof and gets demo. basename.c bit_shift.c << LEFT). (SHIFT OPERATOR> bsearch.c clrscr.c Clear the screen with VT100 escape codes. command_line.c Get parms from the command line. continue.c 'contiune', feof' & 'fgets' demo. convesc.c define.c #define pre-processor. dir.c do.c example of the 'do' keyword. enum1.c Enumeration example enum2.c Another enumeration example enum3.c enum4.c enum5.c exponent.c Give the exponent of a number extern1.c extern2.c fact1.c Factorial by itteration. fact2.c Factorial by recursion. fgets.c 'fgets' demo. first.c Usual first program. for1.c 'for' keyword example. for2.c Another 'for' example. fprintf.c fprintf function example func_point1.c func_point2.c func_point3.c function.c Basic function call. getchar.c 'getchar' function demo. gets.c global.c global and internal variables goto.c 'goto' keyword demo. if.c 'if' keyword. if_else_endif.c 'if' keyword. ifndef.c #ifndef pre-processor. inc_dec.c ++ and -- operators. is_examp.c Loads of ctype.h functions. linklist1.c linklist2.c linklist3.c macro.c Pre-processor macors. malloc.c modulo.c % operator (modulo). or.c | operator (Bitwise OR). password.c Read and verify a password pointer1_func.c Pass a pointer to a function. pointer2_func.c Pass an int array to a function. pointer3_func.c Pass a character string pointer to a function. pointer4_func.c Pass a variable number of parameters to a func> pointer_func.c Pass a scalar pointer to a function. popen.c 'popen' function example. prog_name.c Dispaly the name of the executing program. qsort1.c Sort numbers held in an array. qsort2.c Sort some more numbers. rand.c & operator (Bitwise AND). read_file.c Print the contents of a file. readch.c 'getchar' function demo. reverse.c Reverse the characters in a string. setuid.c setuid/getuid example. single_array.c Pass an array to a function sizeof.c Return the size of different datatypes. sizeof1.c Return the size of different data objects. sprintf.c sprintf function example. sscanf.c stat.c static.c static keyword. stdin.c strchr.c strcpy.c Copy strings. strncpy.c strpbrk.c strstr.c Find a sub string within a string. strtok.c Extract 'words' from a string. strtol.c Change the base of a number. struct1.c Your first use of the 'struct' keyword. struct2.c Pass structure elements to a function. struct3.c Pass a copy of a structure to a function. struct4.c switch.c switch key word. system.c system function - Execute OS commands temp.c time.c Time and date related functions. uname.c uname function. Return info about the machine user_name.c getpwuid function example. var_func.c Pass a variable number of parms to a function.> varlist.c Another example of ... while.c while keyword.
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