Microsoft® Visual Basic® Scripting Edition
TextStream Object
Language Reference |

See Also                    Properties                    Methods

Facilitates sequential access to file.


TextStream.{property | method}

The property and method arguments can be any of the properties and methods associated with the TextStream object. Note that in actual usage TextStream is replaced by a variable placeholder representing the TextStream object returned from the FileSystemObject.

In the following code, a is the TextStream object returned by the CreateTextFile method on the FileSystemObject:

Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set a = fs.CreateTextFile("c:\testfile.txt", True)
a.Write("This is a test.")

Read, ReadAll,  Write and Close are methods of the TextStream Object. OpenTextFile could also have been used assuming the file already existed or, given a file object, the OpenAsTextStream method can be used on that file object to return a TextStream

ReadLine reads one line at a time.

AtEndOfStream returns true when the entire file has been read.