Minimal USB Male PCB Connector

Here is a USB male A type plug using a PCB as the connector surface. The metal shroud is not supplied and apparently not really needed, although it presumably would aid mechanical positioning and shielding:

This was found on a 2 GB USB 'key' of unkown origin. Websiteaddress shown on case - This el-cheapo box-2S design has so far produced perfect results. It can be moved sideways and up and down by at least more than a sensible amount without causing problems.

Not recommended as good practice - but note that it seems to work surprisingly well and can be done.A look at the contact locations suggests that you might almost be able to use 4 rows of vero board in an utter emergency as In a type A male connector the 5V connectors are the outer 2.

Thanks to Russell McMahon of AppTechNZ at gmail for these pics and notes.

Russell, what thickness is the connector? 3/32" or 0.1" would seem to be the correct thickness based on measurements of standard USB male connectors, and PCB stock is typically 0.062 inches or 62 mills. The plastic backing on this connector obviously makes up the difference.

Russell says:

Width of tongue is 11.9mm, Width of copper to outer edges is 9.0mm , Thickness of tonue is 2.3mm

Vero board 9copper strips) is ~ 1.7mm thick including copper. Easily padded up to "correct" size with thin insulator on rear face. Vero board is 9.6mm from outer edge to outer edge of 4 x copper strips - ie about 0.6mm wider than total copper of this device - so would almost certainly match contacts OK. I haven't tried making a veroboard piece of the correct width and checking contact alignment. If only power pickup or feed is required then only outer two contacts are required and a oiece of veroboard with inner 2 tracks removed would almost certainly work OK if padded up to correct thickness.