ON 20080908@11:01:09 AM at page: http://www.piclist.com/io/stepper/linistep/index.htm#39698.8578009259 James Newton[JMN-EFP-786] Published and replied to post 39698.8578009259 by tim |Insert 'That is correct.' at: '' tim@nratonpass.com asks: " I want to use a 3.6 volt 4 amp stepper motor. Would I need to change the 1 ohm to a .25 ohm?

Tim" |Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: 'steel2chips@yahoo.com asks:
I'm interested in converting my Taig Mill to micro-stepping, but would like to retain the 400 step/rev resolution. Is this mode possible with linistep?
|Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: 'edgey01@gmail.com.au asks:
can you explain how the sense resistors work, from the circuit it would appear the are current limiting only, how is the pic able to sense the apms/volts?
|Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: 'tony34306@aol.com asks:
Below is a bi-polar stepper motor is Iw=2 ampere, Rw=1 Ohm.
It is a: ISERT zweiphasenschrittmotor 1.8 grad.
WZ6 10479 A2405-9212-A2 Made in japan.

Im new to this but will your controller work with my stepper motors? My CNC router also has limit switches will I be able to conect them?
If your controller work I may purchase 3. Thanks Tony
  • ' ON 20080923@4:55:57 PM at page: http://www.piclist.com/io/stepper/linistep/lini_wks.htm#39714.2486342593 James Newton[JMN-EFP-786] Published and replied to post 39714.2486342593 by agalliazzo |Insert 'The current limit resistors are R1 and R2. R14, etc...are the control / PWM resistors.' at: '' agalliazzo@gmail.com asks:
    If I have a look to the schematic image http://www.piclist.com/images/member/RB-ezy-Q33/circuit.gif i see R14-R15-R16-R17 in series with the base of the four TIP122... Is it the right way to connect these components? In the costant current explanation it seem that the resistors should be connected to GND... Is something wrong in my idea or it's only a second "version" of the current controller circuit?
    |Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: 'tonyh514@yahoo.com asks:
    I forgot to include the number of wires in my stepper motors
    It has 8 wires, 4 coils.
    Currently connected 2 coils in parallel, resulting in 2 coils.
    My understanding is Eight wire stepper motors can be run with either Unipolar or Bipolar driver electonics.
    my motors are:

    ISERT zweiphasenschrittmotor 1.8 grad.
    Iw=2.0 A Rw=1.0 Ohm
    WZ6 10479
    Made in japan.

    Can I use your controller for this motor? I'm new at this
    Thanks Tony

  • ' ON 20080930@2:59:43 PM at page: http://www.piclist.com/io/stepper/linistep/lini_tun.htm#39720.4356597222 James Newton[JMN-EFP-786] removed post 39720.4356597222 |Delete 'gblack@pioneer-sys.net asks:
    I have an Oriental Motor Co., Vexta 2-phase stepper motor, Model PK268-E2.0A-C3, 1.8 deg/step, rated at DC 4.5V and 2 A. Will your controller work with this? It is for intermittent use (ie. 4 times per day for 5 minutes). Is there a way to shut off all power awaiting the next cycle (it is an off-grid, remote location so power is very scarce & expensive)? You caution about tuning to hot system. In our case, it will be cold. Other issues? Accuracy? Lost steps?
  • '