ON 20050407@1:05:39 PM at page: http://techref.massmind.org/techref/io/stepper/linistep/index.htm#38449.3742824074 James Newton[JMN-EFP-786] Published and replied to post 38449.3742824074 by michel.gossa |Insert 'I'm very glad to hear that the unit worked well for you.

The linistepper already offers 3600 steps per revolution simply by setting the jumpers on the board, so I am confused by your question.

It is possible to modify the code (this is an open source product) for any number of new features, but honestly, it is very difficult. The PIC code for the Linistepper was written by a true genius (NOT ME! The author is Roman Black) in PIC programming and it packs a lot of features in a very small amount of code. Improving on that will be difficult without experience in PIC programming. For someone with PIC experience, it shouldn't be terribly difficult give the existing code as a start.' at: '' michel.gossa@tiscali.fr asks:

I have built two Linistepper module to replace GS-D200S cards who activated a home built PCB engraving machine.
I can whitness that movments now are very smooth and quiet, huge difference with previous drivers. I think that Z axis will be fitted soon with a Linistepper !
I would like to modify resolution to get 1000 or 2000 steps/revolution, do you think that it is possible ?
I have not a great Pic experience but I'm looking your software 'step-by-step' to understand your work and try to adapt it to my use.
Thank you very much to provide me with some answer, and congratulation for this design.
Best Regards,
|Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: '' gustavo_afonso@ig.com.br asks: " Is the circuit diagram at the linistep page revised? Can I make that circuit without worry? Regards from Brazil" |Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: 'incognico@hotmail.com asks:
The parts list and the circuit diagram/board overlay disagree on the value of C4 and C5 - 2.2pF vs 4.7pF

The boards arrived in Australia really quickly! Very impressed thanks :)
|Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: 'jacknjean@wilkins .net asks:
I posted before, but I can't find were it is. I was looking in the Mouser catalog and found a PNP power transistor that might possibly be used to get more current out to hungryer motors. The part number is 511-MJ2955 and is rated at 15 Amps at 70 Volts. It is in a TO-3 case which will require special mounting to the heat sink with remote wires to prevent smoking the foil traces. Would this transistor work O.K.? Jack
|Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: '' jacknjean@wilins.net asks:
I was wondering if the circuit diagram or a kit is available for the 555 timer circuit board shown attached to the Lini Stepper circuit board? I would like to use something like this to provide a manual jog or rapid traverse without the computer being on, This way, I could have control for a simple mill or turning job or just drilling a hole. Jack
|Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: 'Thanks and best of luck.' at: '' indenr-cnc@yahoo.com
Suggestion: Make a note of the changed capacitor values in the printed instructions.
Request 1: Make a bipolar controller next! (3 or 4 wire) Please!
Request 2: Offer or specify "upgrade kit" with *specific* directions of what to change, for higher amp motors (for people like me who don't know what they're doing).
Compliment: Very professional looking. I'm sure I'll be pleased with the performance, when I finally finish one.
|Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: 'indenr-cnc@yahoo.com " Oops ... the correct cap values ARE in the printed doc. Sorry 'bout that." |Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: 'indenr-cnc@yahoo.com asks: " Please make a bi-polar (4-wire) version?"
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