I'm in need of a little help, can anyone tell me what pins on a DB9 connector on the back of a Dell Dimension 4700 would accept the signal to and from my wind amenometer(wind speed measuring device). My devices pin out requirements for the amenometer are:
Pin 1=+voltage referrence, pin2=signal output to PC,wind direction pin3=signal ground, pin4: Dir 2, signal output to PC, Wind Direction, pin5:signal output to PC, Wind Speed. can anyone help? If so, please email me directly. Type windspeed in the subject.
James Newton of Massmind replies: The signals from your anemometer are not compatible with the DB9 serial port connector on your PC. They are fundamentally different types of signals. It sounds like the anemometer is designed to work with a special card that plugs into your PC or possibly with a Joystick port which will be a DB17 connector and is not available on all PC's. If it does work with a joystick port, the pin order will have to be re-arranged... Again, this is VERY unlikely; it is more likely that you need a PC card specifically designed for this anemometer.
The Pin at rs232 25pin the pin9 and pin10, positif voltage and negatif voltage. The out put of the voltage is in what range? Do it able to supply to other circuit(small circuit about 5v needed)?
James Newton replies: See Parasitic power from RS232