Relay / Solenoid IO Driver:

Smallest for Low Voltage Relay

Jinx says:

[Here is a] really super-cheap 5V relay driver. It uses an emitter follower so it actually delivers only 4.4V or so to the relay but this has always worked fine for the 5V relays I have used. It does not require a protection diode because the emitter follower won't allow any undershoot.

Use a 2N3904 transistor for up to 100mA. A 2N2222 may be used for up to 200mA. A ZTX689B is good for up to 500mA.

This circuit will NOT work with the open collector outputs on a PC Parallel Port, but will work nicely with a PIC or other fully driven output capable of sourcing a few milliamps.

See also: