Function 3Dh Open A File Open disk file with handle entry AH 3Dh AL access code byte (DOS 2.x) bits 0-2 file attribute 000 read only 001 write only 010 read/write bits 3-7 should be set to zero (DOS 3.x) bits 0-2 file attribute 000 read only 001 write only 010 read/write bit 3 reserved 0 should be set to zero bits 4-6 sharing mode (network) 000 compatibility mode (the way FCBs open files) 001 read/write access denied (exclusive) 010 write access denied 011 read access denied 100 full access permitted bit 7 inheritance flag 0 file inherited by child process 1 file private to child process DS:DX address of ASCIIZ pathname string return flag CF set on error AX error code 1 error AX 16 bit file handle or error code (1, 2, 4, 5, 0Ch) note 1) Opens any normal, system, or hidden file. 2) Files that end in a colon are not opened. 3) The rear/write pointer is set at the first byte of the file and the record size of the file is 1 byte (the read/write pointer can be changed through Int\21f\42). The returned file handle must be used for all subsequent input and output to the file. 4) If the file handle was inherited from a parent process or was duplicated by DUP or FORCEDUP, all sharing and access restrictions are also inherited. 5) A file sharing error (error 1) causes an Int\24 to execute with an error code of 2.