Function 3Ch Create A File (CREAT)

Create a file with handle

entry AH 3Ch

CX attributes for file

00h normal

01h read only

02h hidden

03h system

DS:DX address of ASCIIZ filename string

return flag CF 0 successful creation

1 error

AX 16 bit file handle

or error code (3, 4, 5)

note 1) The ASCIIZ string may contain drive and subdirectory.

2) Drive may be any valid drive (not nescessarily current drive)

3) If the volume label or subdirectory bits are set in CX, they are ignored

4) The file is opened in read/write mode

5) If the file does not exist, it is created. If one of the same name

exists, it is truncated to a length of 0.

6) Good practice is to attempt to open a file with fn 3Dh and jump to an

error routine if successful, create file if 3Dh fails. That way an

existing file will not be truncated and overwritten.