Function 1Ch Get File Allocation Table Information for Specific Device

Returns information on specified drive

entry AH 1Ch

DL drive number (1=A, 2=B, 3=C, etc)

return AL number of sectors per allocation unit (cluster)

DS:BX address of media descriptor byte for drive in DL

CX sector size in bytes

DX number of allocation units (clusters)

note 1) DL = 0 for default.

2) Save DS before calling this function.

3) Format of media-descriptor byte:

bits: 0 0 (clear) not double sided

1 (set) double sided

1 0 (clear) not 8 sector

1 (set) 8 sector

2 0 (clear) nonremovable device

1 (set) removable device

3-7 always set (1)

4) This call returned a pointer to the FAT in DOS 1.x. Beginning with

DOS 2.00, it returns a pointer only to the table's ID byte.

5) IBM recommends programmers avoid this call and use int 25h instead.