Function  15h   Sequential Disk Write                                     (FCB) 

Writes record specified by Struct -FCB sequentially to disk

entry AH 15h

DS:DX pointer to address of Struct -FCB

return AL 00h successful write

01h diskette full, write canceled

02h disk transfer area (DTA) too small or segment wrap

note 1) The data to write is obtained from the disk transfer area

2) The record size is set to the value at offset 0Eh in the FCB.

3) This service cannot write to files set as read-only

4) The record pointed to by the Current Block (offset 0Ch) and the Current

Record (offset 20h) fields is loaded at the DTA, then the Current Block

and Current Record fields are incremented.

5) If the record size is less than a sector, the data in the DTA is written

to a buffer; the buffer is written to disk when it contains a full

sector of data, the file is closed, or a Reset Disk Int\21f\0D is


6) The record is written to disk at the current DTA address as specified

by the most recent call to function 1Ah. If the size of the record and

location of the DTA are such that a segment overflow or wraparound would

occur, the error return is set to AL=02h