Function 11h Search For First Matching Entry (FCB)Searches current disk & directory for first matching filename
entry AH 11h
DS:DX pointer to address of FCB
return AL 00h successful match
0FFh no matching filename found
note 1) The FCB may contain the wildcard character ? under Dos 2.x, and ? or *
under 3.x and 4.x.
2) The original FCB at DS:DX contains information to continue the search
with function 12h, and should not be modified.
3) If a matching filename is found, AL returns 00h and the locations at the
Disk Transfer Address are set as follows:
a) If the FCB provided for searching was an extended FCB, then the first
byte at the disk transfer address is set to 0FFh followed by 5 bytes
of zeroes, then the attribute byte from the search FCB, then the
drive number used (1=A, 2=B, etc) then the 32 bytes of the directory
entry. Thus, the disk transfer address contains a valid unopened FCB
with the same search attributes as the search FCB.
b) If the FCB provided for searching was a standard FCB, then the first
byte is set to the drive number used (1=A,2=b,etc), and the next 32
bytes contain the matching directory entry. Thus, the disk transfer
address contains a valid unopened normal FCB.
4) If an extended FCB is used, the following search pattern is used:
a) If the FCB attribute byte is zero, only normal file entries are
found. Entries for volume label, subdirectories, hidden or system
files, are not returned.
b) If the attribute byte is set for hidden or system files, or
subdirectory entries, it is to be considered as an inclusive search.
All normal file entries plus all entries matching the specified
attributes are returned. To look at all directory entries except the
volume label, the attribute byte may be set to hidden + system +
directory (all 3 bits on).
c) If the attribute field is set for the volume label, it is considered
an exclusive search, and ONLY the volume label entry is returned.
5) This call is also used by the APPEND command in DOS 3.2+