Function 0Eh Select Disk
Sets the drive specified in DL (if valid) as the default drive
entry AL 0Eh
DL new default drive number (0=A:,1=B:,2=C:,etc.)
return AL total number of logical drives (not nescessarily physical)
note 1) For DOS 1.x and 2.x, the minimum value for AL is 2.
2) For DOS 3.x and 4.x, the minimum value for AL is 5.
3) The drive number returned is not nescessarily a valid drive.
4) For DOS 1.x: 16 logical drives are availible, A-P.
For DOS 2.x: 63 logical drives are availible. (Letters are only used for
the first 26 drives. If more than 26 logical drives are
used, further drive letters will be other ASCII characters
ie \{,], etc.
For DOS 3.x: 26 logical drives are availible, A-Z.
For DOS 4.x: 26 logical drives are availible, A-Z.