Function 0Ah Buffered Keyboard Input

Reads characters from STDIN and places them in the buffer beginning

at the third byte.

entry AH 0Ah

DS:DX pointer to an input buffer

return none

note 1) Min buffer size = 1, max = 255

2) Char is checked for ctrl-C. If ctrl-C is detected, executes int 23h.

3) Format of buffer DX:

byte contents

1 Maximum number of chars the buffer will take, including CR.

Reading STDIN and filling the buffer continues until a carriage

return (Enter or 0Dh) is read. If the buffer fills to one less

than the maximum number the buffer can hold, each additional

number read is ignored and ASCII 7 (BEL) is output to the

display until a carriage return is read. (you must set this


2 Actual number of characters received, excluding the carriage

return, which is always the last character. (the function sets

this value)

3-n Characters received are placed into the buffer starting here.

Buffer must be at least as long as the number in byte 1.

4) Input is redirectable. If redirected, there is no way to check EOF.

5) The string may be edited with the standard DOS editing commands as it

is being entered.

6) Extended ASCII characters are stored as 2 bytes, the first byte being
