Function 13h    Enhanced String Write                        (AT,XT/286,PS/2) 

entry AH 13h

AL 00h Write String, Don't Move Cursor

01h Write String, Move Cursor

02h Write String of Alternating Characters and Attributes;

Don't Move Cursor

bit 0: set in order to move cursor after write

bit 1: set if string contains alternating chars and


03h Write String of Alternating Characters and Attributes;

Move Cursor

bit 0: set in order to move cursor after write

bit 1: set if string contains alternating characters

and attributes

BH display page number

BL attribute if AL bit 1 clear

CX length of string

DH row of starting cursor position

DL column of starting cursor position

ES:BP pointer to start of string

return none

Function 13h Enhanced String Write (AT, XT/286, PS/2)

note 1) Recognizes CR, LF, BS, and bell

2) This function is not available on the origianl IBM PC or PC XT

unless an EGA video adapter (which contains its own ROM BIOS) is


3) This function can be thought of as an extension to Int10f0E.

Sample Code:

\Asm\Lib\BIOS.INC -@BIOSVidStrOut MACRO Row,Col,StrOff,StrSeg,Len,MovCur,Page,Atrib