Function 0Eh Write TTY - write one character and update cursor. Also handles
CR (0Dh), beep (07h), backspace (10h), and scrolling
entry AH 0Eh
AL ASCII code of character to be written
BH page number (text)
BL foreground color (video modes 6 & 7 only) (graphics)
return none
note 1) The ASCII codes for bell, backspace, carriage return, and linefeed are
recognized and appropriate action taken. All other characters are
written to the screen and the cursor is advanced to the next position
2) Text can be written to any CGA page regardless of current active page
3) Automatic linewrap and scrolling are provided through this function
4) This is the function used by the DOS CON console driver.
5) This function does not explicitly allow the use of attributes to the
characters written. Attributes may be provided by first writing an ASCII
27h (blank) with the desired attributes using function 09h, then
overwriting with the actual character using this function. While clumsy
this allows use of the linewrap and scrolling services provided by
this function