Time Reg Values entry AH 00h set video mode AL display mode: CGA|PCjr|MDA|MCGA|EGA|VGA|8514 00h 40x25 B/W text CGA|PCjr| | |EGA| | 16 color 40x25, 320x400 graphics | | |MCGA| | | 16 color 40x25, 360x400 graphics | | | | |VGA| 16 color 01h 40x25 color text CGA|PCjr| | |EGA| | 02h 80x25 B/W text CGA|PCjr| | |EGA| | 16 color 80x25 640x400 graphics | | |MCGA| | | 16 color 80x25 720x400 graphics | | | |VGA| | 16 color 03h 80x25 color text CGA|PCjr| | |EGA|VGA| 4 color 04h 320x200 color graphics CGA|PCjr| | |EGA| | 4 tone gray 05h 320x200 B/W graphics CGA|PCjr| | |EGA| | 2 color 06h 640x200 B/W graphics CGA|PCjr| | |EGA| | monochrome 07h 80x25 monochrome text | |MDA| |EGA| | 16 color 08h 160x200 color graphics CGA|PCjr| | | | | 16 color 09h 320x200 color graphics |PCjr| | | |VGA| 4 color 0Ah 640x200 color graphics |PCjr| | | | | N/A 0Bh BIOS font load | | | |EGA|VGA| N/A 0Ch BIOS font load | | | |EGA|VGA| 16 color 0Dh 320x200 graphics | | | |EGA|VGA| 16 color 0Eh 640x200 graphics | | | |EGA|VGA| monochrome 0Fh 640x350 graphics | | | |EGA|VGA| 16 & 64 color 10h 640x350 color hi-res | | | |EGA|VGA| 2 color 11h 640x480 graphics | | |MCGA| |VGA| 16 color 12h 640x480 graphics | | | | |VGA| 256 color 13h 320x200 graphics | | |MCGA| |VGA|8514 14h-20h used by EGA and VGA graphics modes 18h 132x44 8x8 char mono | Tseng Labs EVA 19h 132x25 8x14 char mono | Tseng Labs EVA 1Ah 132x28 8x13 char mono | Tseng Labs EVA monochrome 21h Hercules Graphics, Graphics Page 1 monochrome 22h Hercules Graphics, Graphics Page 2 22h 132x44 | Tseng, Ahead 23h 132x25 | Tseng Labs EVA 132x25 | Ahead Systems EGA2001 132x25 | ATI EGA Wonder 24h 132x28 | Tseng Labs EVA 25h 80x60 640x480 | Tseng Labs EVA 16 color 640x480 | VEGA VGA 26h 80x60 | Tseng Labs EVA 80x60 640x480 | Ahead Systems EGA2001 16 color 27h 720x512 | VEGA VGA monochrome 132x25 | ATI EGA Wonder 28h unknown | VEGA VGA 16 color 29h 800x600 | VEGA VGA 256 color 2Dh 640x350 | VEGA VGA 256 color 2Eh 640x480 | VEGA VGA 256 color 2Fh 720x512 | VEGA VGA 256 color 30h 800x600 | VEGA VGA unknown | AT&T 6300 16 color 36h 960x720 | VEGA VGA 16 color 37h 1024x768 | VEGA VGA monochrome 132x44 | ATI EGA Wonder 2 color 40h 640x400 | AT&T 6300 80x43 | VEGA VGA 16 color 41h 640x200 | AT&T 6300 132x25 | VEGA VGA 16 color 42h 640x400 | AT&T 6300 132x43 | VEGA VGA 43h unsupported 640x200 | AT&T 6300 of 640x400 viewport | 80x60 | VEGA VGA 44h disable VDC and DEB output | AT&T 6300 100x60 | VEGA VGA 48h 80x50 640x400 | AT&T 6300 4Dh 120x25 | VEGA VGA 4Eh 120x43 | VEGA VGA 4Fh 132x25 | VEGA VGA monochrome 50h 132x25 | Ahead Systems EGA2001 16 color 640x480 | Paradise EGA-480 monochrome 80x43 | VEGA VGA 640x480 mono? | Taxan 565 EGA 51h 80x30 | Paradise EGA-480 monochrome 132x25 | VEGA VGA 640x480 ? | ATI EGA Wonder monochrome 52h 132x44 | Ahead Systems EGA2001 monochrome 132x43 | VEGA VGA 752x410 ? | ATI EGA Wonder 53h 800x560 ? | ATI EGA Wonder 54h 132x43 | Paradise EGA-480 16 color 132x43 | Paradise VGA 16 color 132x43 | Paradise VGA on multisync 132x43 | Taxan 565 EGA 55h 132x25 | Paradise EGA-480 16 color 132x25 | Paradise VGA 16 color 132x25 | Paradise VGA on multisync 132x25 | Taxan 565 EGA 56h 132x43 | NSI Smart EGA+ 132x43 | Paradise VGA 132x43 | Paradise VGA on multisync monochrome 132x43 | Taxan 565 EGA 57h 132x25 | NSI Smart EGA+ 132x25 | Paradise VGA 132x25 | Paradise VGA on multisync monochrome 132x25 | Taxan 565 EGA 58h 100x75 800x600 16/256k | Paradise VGA 59h 100x75 800x600 | Paradise VGA 5Eh 640x400 | Paradise VGA,VEGA VGA 5Fh 640x480 | Paradise VGA 60h 80x? ?x400 | Corona/Cordata BIOS v4.10+ 752x410 | VEGA VGA 60h 400 line graph+80 col text |(Corona/Cordata) 61h 400 line graphics | Corona/Cordata BIOS v4.10+ 720x540 | VEGA VGA 62h 800x600 | VEGA VGA 16 color 71h 100x35 800x600 | NSI Smart EGA+ 74h 640x400 graphics | Toshiba 3100 7Eh Special Mode Set | Paradise VGA (see below) BX horizontal dimension of the mode desired CX vertical dimension of the mode desired (both BX/CX in pixels for graphics modes, rows for text modes) DX number of colors of the mode desired (use 0 for monochrome modes) return BH 7Eh if successful 7Fh Special Function Set | Paradise VGA (see below) BH 00h Set VGA Operation 01h Set Non-VGA Operation 02h Query Mode Status return BL 0 if operating in VGA mode 1 if non-VGA mode. CH total video RAM size in 64k byte units CL video RAM used by the current mode 03h Lock Current Mode Allows current mode (VGA or non-VGA) to survive reboot. 7Fh Special Function Set | Paradise VGA (see above) BH 0Ah,0Bh,0Ch,0Dh,0Eh,0Fh write paradise registers 0,1,2,3,4,5 (port -03CE indexes A,B,C,D,E,F) BL value to set in the paradise register. BH 1Ah,1Bh,1Ch,1Dh,1Eh,1Fh read paradise registers 0,1,2,3,4,5 (port -03CE indexes A,B,C,D,E,F) return BL value of the Paradise register BH 7Fh if successful. note Color modes (0,1,2,3,4,5,6) will set non-VGA CGA operation. Monochrome mode 7 will set non-VGA MDA/Hercules operation. 82h 80x25 B&W | AT&T VDC overlay mode * 83h 80x25 | AT&T VDC overlay mode * 86h 640x200 B&W | AT&T VDC overlay mode * C0h 640x400 2/prog pallet | AT&T VDC overlay mode * C4h disable output | AT&T VDC overlay mode * D0h 640x400 | DEC VAXmate AT&T mode unknown 640x225 | Z-100 unknown 640x400 | Z-100
Asm\Lib\BIOS.INC -@BIOSVidModeSet MACRO mode